Baldur's gate 3 strange chunk of amber. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. Baldur's gate 3 strange chunk of amber

 List of All Bosses; Act 1 BossesBaldur's gate 3 strange chunk of amber  Unmarked Spoilers ahead! Baldur's Gate 3 has a lot of secret or hidden items for you to equip

How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Just a word of warning. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. You will need to loot the display case for a strange piece of amber and use a character that has great strength to move the statues. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. How to Beat. According to Lae’zel they have a way to purify the parasite. Skinburster Force: When the wielder deals melee damage with this weapon, they gain 2 turns of Force Conduit. How to Beat Commander Zhalk;. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Goblins and other goblinoids have been a mainstay in D&D adventures since the original Starter Set and Lost Mine of Phandelver. Bonus Action. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. The third installment in the critically acclaimed Baldur's Gate series, the game draws inspiration from the iconic Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system to provide players with a rich and immersive fantasy experience. Read on to learn more about this feat, what it can do, the best classes to get this feat, and more! List of Contents. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Uncommon. Range. Overview. Copy. The Camp Imposter is one mysterious character you may encounter in your Baldur’s Gate 3 playthrough. A gem of the desert, birthed in flame. How to Beat. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. The Swordmaster Gloves is a piece of armor you can equip on Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). True Love's Embrace Overview. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. The Deep Delver is a War Pick you can get in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. Players will need to infiltrate this location during Act 2 to access this merchant. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. How to Finish the Masterwork Weapon. I have found an online tip that says "Amber - The last talk with Touch after finding the Black Colour". ( 3x Hook) →. This enigmatic figure has the ability to infiltrate your Camp and disrupt the narrative. How to Beat. Read on to learn more about the Scroll of Cloud of Daggers, how to get it, as well as its price and effects, and more! List of Contents. I have found an online tip that says "Amber - The last talk with Touch after finding the Black Colour". ★ A Full Guide to Multiclassing. Drink to enter a bloodlust. Scroll of Cloud of Daggers is a Common Scroll in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). All Beginner Guides; Class Tier List: DX11 vs Vulkan:Anyone else having this issue or know what item it's supposed to be? Google says there's an item you get for killing him but I definitely didn't get that item. Anyone else having this issue or know what item it's supposed to be? Google says there's an item you get for killing him but I definitely didn't get that item. List of All Shortbows. Effect. Unique Currency from the Nine Hells. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. ・ Pommel Strike. Baldur's Gate 3 is filled with quests. Result. Result. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. Strange Ox. Shadow-Cloaked Ring Overview. Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the. Relentless Revenge: When the wielder has 50% Hit Points or less, they deal an additional 1d4 Slashing damage. Strange Conduit Ring Overview. Uncommon. Grand Slam is a Weapon Action in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about the Syringe, including its stats, effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. . In this guide, we will help you find Strange. Posted August 7 One of the biggest decisions you will have to make early on in Baldur's Gate 3 is whether to take the mountain pass or Underdark to reach Moonrise. Baldur's Gate is a phenomenal game that manages to truly bring the D&D5e mechanics and its world to life! Here's our review. Armor Type. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. The players will come across the Cauldron while exploring Nettie’s room. The third installment in the critically acclaimed Baldur's Gate series, the game draws inspiration from the iconic Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system to provide players with a rich and immersive fantasy experience. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Fighter. We also feature mods for Neverwinter Nights II. How to Beat. Description. Check out our guide to learn more about the camera options, default camera controls, as well as the Tactical Camera in-game!9m. The strange chunk of amber is found inside a room in the Rosymorn Monastery. Katana Location. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Combine 3 pieces of Chasm Creeper to create Salts of Chasm Creeper, afterwards mix it with any Suspension to create Elixir of The Colossus . To use the Wolf Rune, return to the room with the dissected Drow inside the Emerald Grove. Read on to learn more about the Browbeaten Circlet, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! Warped Headband of Intellect. Read on to learn more about the Giantbreaker, including its stats, effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. This quest can be started by looting the Strange Chunk of Amber from the Display Case in the Inquisitor’s Chambers at the Rosymorn Monastery. Mountainous Poise: While using Patient Defence, you also benefit from the effect of Blade Ward. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. Read on to learn more about the Circlet of Blasting, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. Ring. Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength. Medium. Hammergrim Mist Amulet Location. The Strange Ox in Baldur's Gate 3 certainly lives up to their name. This article is part of a. Interjections Banters with the original Bioware NPCs Romance with a male protagonist with CHA 12+ and INT 12+ Friendship path with protagonist Player-initiated conversations/flirts voiced lines and original music 1 medium-sized quest with new areas 3 mini-quests. All Beginner Guides; Class Tier List: DX11 vs Vulkan: Scuffed Rock Location: Hidden Cache Rewards: Difficulty Setting Differences:. The Rusty Mace is a Mace you can get in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). The Scale Mail of Vengeance is a piece of armor you can equip on Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). You can find the entrance to the Defiled Temple through Priestess Guts' room. Disadvantage on Stealth Checks. Fire Amber is an Alchemical Ingredient. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. Finally, she inserts the Dawnmaster’s Crest in the Blood of Lathander slot and pick up the Mace. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. The northwest pedestal already has the Ceremonial Longsword on it. Web Grenade. Stinking Cloud is a Level 3 Spell from the School of Conjuration in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Ch'r'ai W'wargaz is a githyanki Inquisitor. In Baldur's Gate 3, the best way to store items and prevent yourself from getting encumbered is to send items back to Camp. The third installment in the critically acclaimed Baldur's Gate series, the game draws inspiration from the iconic Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system to provide players with a rich and immersive fantasy experience. Cause a metal weapon or armour to glow red-hot and force the wearer to let go or receive Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Ability Checks. Once he tells Tara to stop eating the courier pigeons, you will receive the Ring of Blink. How to Beat Commander Zhalk;. Learn more about Charisma and know what actions it can affect in the game! All Ability Guides;. He cited several things that separate Baldur's Gate 3 from most RPGs in. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Weapon Type. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. In order to get here you either have to bring Lae’zel or fight your way through the Githyanki Crech found on the Mountain Pass. Read on to learn more about the Hedge Wanderer Armour, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. You gain Advantage on Strength checks and saves. Read on to learn more about Eversight Ring, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. If the target ends their turn where they can't see you, they can make another Saving Throw to shake off their fear. Elixir of Fire Resistance. The Absolute's Mercy: If the wearer bears the Absolute's Brand, they have Advantage on Death Saving Throws. Strange Tendril Amulet is an accessory you can equip on Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). If you think hard enough, everything is a throwing knife. Read on to learn more about this spell, its effect, range, and duration, as well as the classes that can use this spell, and more!. There are wooden boards blocking the entrance to the area where the puzzle room is. List of All Warhammers. Edge of Darkness is a Weapon Action in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Players can find her room in the Druid’s Chamber. It’s standing. Have Gale speak to Tara the Tressym on the roof of the Open Hand Temple in Rivington. She has in her inventory the Dawnmaster’s Crest and the Strange Chunk of Amber. Use sting attack on ox (it willl deal 9-12 dmg) and press end turn button. I have now got all the other colours, including black, but there seems to be no way to get the last, the amber one. At every corner of Baldur's Gate 3 is a fresh object ready to be thrown at the next unsuspecting victim. Armor Type. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Harper’s Hidden Cache Location in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) To find the Harper’s Hidden Cache, travel southwest of Roadside Cliffs, past the ruined Nautiloid, until you find a small patch of land in the water. How. In addition, you can't be surprised. The Shining Staver-of-Skulls is a Light Hammer you can get in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Longsword. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Strange Chunk of Amber can be found inside the Creche Y'llek of Rosymorn Monastery. List of All Battleaxe. Spell Protection: You have Advantage on Saving Throws against spells. You probably wouldn't look twice at the. 2 How to Use the Strange Chunk of. Note that some Classes have more Bonus Actions than others, allowing them to perform more shove during a single turn. Check out this guide to learn how Charm works in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. 90. Blightbringer: Attacking gnomes or dwarves with this weapon receives a 1d4 bonus to Attack and Damage rolls. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Additionally they must convince Disciple Z'rell to give you more information in finding Ketheric's relic to unlock this item in the stock. How. by Sasa Dhungana. Render of Mind and Body Location. This quest can be started by looting the Strange Chunk of Amber from the Display Case in the Inquisitor’s Chambers at the Rosymorn Monastery. Elixir of The Colossus. I had previously done the route of seeing his scene of carnage and telling him that he was just an ox to me quite some time ago. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. In Baldur's Gate 3, players aiming to acquire the Strange Chunk of Amber can achieve this by adhering to the following steps: Visit the Inquisitor Chamber: Head to the Inquisitor Chamber situated beneath the Rosymorn Monastery. Rage: Bear Heart is a Class Action in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. You can find the Camp Imposter in Baldur’s Gate 3 around the campfire by observing strange conversations between. The Wavemother's Sickle is a Sickle you can get in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). ( 3x Rogue's Morsel) →. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Having at least one character with the High Ground during battle is a good strategy as he/she can easily spot enemies hiding behind walls or. This is a Walkthrough and Wiki site for the game Baldur's Gate III (Baldur's Gate 3). There are wooden boards blocking the entrance to the area where the puzzle room is with the altars are to get the crest. Accessory Type. Read on to learn more about Beastmaster's Chain, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. Read on to learn more about all Halberds in the game, their damage, effects and rarity, and more! List of Contents. How to Beat Commander Zhalk;. Explore the Ruins: Character motivations. Read on to learn more about the Frayed Drow Hood, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more!. The building that contains the chest will be the one the Harpers use to ambush Kar'niss the Drider and the Absolute Cult caravan. Both of these locations are the key sites in starting and finishing the Blood of Lathander quest in Baldur's Gate 3. Likewise, using the lowest number during a. Spineshudder Amulet. The Strange Chunk of Amber in BG3 looks like a useless item at first glance. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. Towards the end of Act I in Baldur’s Gate III, you’ll find yourself at a Githyanki Crech in the Mountain Pass. lxSlimxShadyxl • 1 mo. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. How to Beat. Info Coming Soon!2 Controllers. How to Beat Commander. How to Beat. Drink to slow your rate of descent during falls and gain Immunity to falling damage. Skills / Spell Unlockables. 2d4 Healing. Main Ingedient. Weight. There is no more practical way to use the. Nettie is an NPC that players must interact with during the “ Remove the parasite. Battlemaster. Classes that can gain Shapechanger. How. Essence of Planetar Feather + Any Suspension. Cabbage is a Common Supplies in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). 2. Add a Comment. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. How to Beat. We have a good chunk of the public believe all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories about leaders with far less evidence than the fact that Bhaal's symbol was burned on a bridge to anoint the PCs. Read on to learn more about Tarnished Charm, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. The Braindrain Gloves is a piece of armor you can equip on Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). How to Beat. Weight. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber: How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum: Comment. . Locate your mods folder and extract all the needed files into it. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. Published Aug 8, 2023 Rosymorn Monastery holds one of Baldur's Gate 3's more powerful weapons, but you'll need to solve some puzzles to acquire it. Beastmaster's Chain is an accessory you can equip on Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Defeat the gnolls and the couriers are free. Read on to learn more about the Fleshmelter Cloak, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. 1. Main Ingedient. High Ground can be attained in battle by positioning yourself on top of terrain, hills, ledges, and other obstacles that allows you to see the surrounding area. Combining items can be done outside of forges and furnaces and does not require learning recipes in order to do. Weapon Traits. Obtained during the Find the Missing Letters side quest in Act 3. Big, improtant ones that have you saving the weak, and smaller ones that have you following clues to some promised treasure. Bull Rush is a Class Action in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). You'll have to fight the Guardian after picking up the Battleaxe, but it's not too difficult to put down. Jump down and travel along it until you find a large boulder, which you can move to reveal an Ornate Chest. Amulet of Branding is an accessory you can equip on Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Drink to fall into a 2-turn slumber. ・ See Invisibility. Those that took the mountain pass might have missed out on a beautiful underground world in the Underdark, but they were rewarded with a lush landscape full of trees and scenic vistas. Separate buffed imp from the group, use invisibility and fly to strange ox. ( 3x Broken Machinery) →. Rarity. Take half damage from the next element attack targetting you, and deal an addtional 1d6 of that element type on your next attack. Read on to learn more about the Beholder Eye, how to get it, as well as how to use Beholder Eye, what you can craft with Beholder Eye, and more!. ・ Gentle Warding Bond. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Crawler Mucus. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. In his speculative writing on arcane displacement, the wizard Tenser notes the possibility for keenly focused minds to maintain spells, and even unlock hidden potential while doing so. Psionic Ward: If the item detects that the wearer is gith, they have Resistance to Psychic damage. Her unique features include amber-colored irises, cat-like pupils and delicately pointed ears. I remember my first attempt at baldur's gate 2, where I made a character played for 30 minutes before abandoning it for other games. Read on to learn more about the Unwanted Masterwork Scale Mail, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more!. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Nettie is an NPC that players must interact with during the “ Remove the parasite. Upon leveling up, players can open the Level-Up menu and select Add Class on the upper-right-hand corner of the Level-Up screen. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. How to Beat. Feel free to browse our collection of released. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Class. Price. 1d4 Acid. Soul Coins are a valuable currency used in the Nine Hells of Baldur's Gate 3. Close. Her hair is flaming red and her skin of a warm brown—almost copper—hue. I was just going to say that, if you google bg3 wiki or baldur's gate 3 wiki it it shows first the fextralife wiki, the BG3's wikipedia page, the old BG wiki. 0. Breezeswift Speed: While using Step of the Wind, your next Attack Roll has Advantage and deals an additional 1d8 Force damage. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. Armor Effect. Read on to learn more about the Amethyst, how to get it, as well as its price and effects! Baldur's Gate 3 Walkthrough & Guides Wiki. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. ・ Concussive Smash. Accessory Type. Reset. This is a guide for solving the Silent Library Puzzle in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) located in the Gauntlet of Shar. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Description. Ring. List of All Mauls;. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Keep going up. One of my party members detected that the artefact was fake prompting us to search for the real one. Shadowthief: The wearer's weapon and unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage against Lightly or Heavily Obscured creatures, and creatures made of shadow. 13. Armor Effect. Read on to learn more about the Diamond, how to get it, as well as its price and effects! Baldur's Gate 3 Walkthrough & Guides Wiki. If you are awoken before the duration expires, the effects will not apply. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Though counts as a potion, it may do more harm than good when treated as a potion. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions. Its only real purpose is to reveal the secret entrance to the room that. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Rarity. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Area of Effect. Diamondsbane: If an adamantine weapon hits an object, the hit is always critical. Read on to learn more about the Swordmaster Gloves, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. This feature provides fall damage resistance to the character when jumping or falling from elevated platforms. Found Under Scuffed Rock Near Astarion in the Wilderness. Class. Cloak of Elemental Absorption Overview. Players will need to reach Act 3 in order to access this location. After destroying all the Energy Sources (not the one in the Mace platform) and disabling all the traps I use Shadowheart to pick up the mace. How to Beat. ago. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Scroll of Flaming Sphere is a Uncommon Scroll in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). The Blood of Lathander is a Legendary Mace you can get in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Description. Read on to learn more about the Deep Delver, including its stats, effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. Durable is a Feat you can get when you reach Level 4 at the earliest in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). You’ll find a small town near a bay. 6. Rogue Characters like Astarion learn the Second Story Work feature upon reaching Level 3. How to Beat. Strange Chunk of Amber location in Baldur's Gate 3. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. 18m. Essence of Planetar Feather + Any Suspension. Price. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. The Half Plate Armour is a piece of armor you can equip on Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Baldur's Gate 3 Beginner's Guide. Baldur's Gate 3 has a lot of secret or hidden items for you to equip. How. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. The puzzle is in a room with a stained glass portrait on the floor. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. List of All Greataxes. Players can find the Cauldron in Druids Grove. Armor Class. The Ne'er Misser is a Hand Crossbow you can get in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about Rage: Bear Heart, its effects, the classes that acquire Rage: Bear Heart upon level up and more!. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Read on to learn more about Amulet of Branding, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. The third installment in the critically acclaimed Baldur's Gate series, the game draws inspiration from the iconic Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system to provide players with a. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Toggle the Barter Option in the Trade Menu. The third installment in the critically acclaimed Baldur's Gate series, the game draws inspiration from the iconic Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system to provide players with a. . Malefic Funghi: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and when dealing Necrotic damage, they. Project an image so frightening it makes targets drop everything and become Fearful. Potion of Healing. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. Elixir of Vigilance. Read on to learn more about Amulet of the Unworthy, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more! List of Contents. Baldur’s Gate 3 is a story-rich, party-based RPG set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons, where your choices shape a tale of fellowship and betrayal, survival and sacrifice, and the lure of absolute power. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. Moonrise Towers is a location in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) where much of Act II takes place and is located in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Simple Toxin. Read on to learn how to use the Strange Chunk. Read on to learn more about the Blackguard's Gauntlets, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it, and more!. Baldur's Gate 3; Spider-Man 2; Diablo 4;. Weight Class. Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides. How to Beat Commander. The Strange Chunk of Amber in Baldur's Gate 3 is an item you can find in the Rosymorn Monastery, but do you know its uses? By Usman Zafar 2023-11-02 2023-11-04 Share. 881. This is a walkthrough for that quest content. The Gloves of Baneful Striking is a piece of armor you can equip on Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Tenacity: When you miss an attack, you deal 3 Bludgeoning damage anyway. The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reeduced by 1. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. The Amber NPC mod by Meira & Darios adds Amber, a chaotic good tiefling rogue, to BG2 as a joinable NPC. List of All Bosses; Act 1 Bosses. The Brimmed Hat is a piece of armor you can equip on Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Price. Gather your party and venture forth! Blood of Lathander, Discover the Artefact's Secrets, The Githyanki Warrior. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. The unusual bovine in Emerald Grove seems like they have something to say to you, but like most encounters with other human and. How to Use the Strange Chunk of Amber; How to Get to Thorm Mausoleum; Bosses. The Blood of Lathander is one the best weapons that the player is. ago Has anyone figured this one out? aliem • 26 days ago It. It is recommended to dispose of it as a throwable item instead. Unmarked Spoilers ahead! Baldur's Gate 3 has a lot of secret or hidden items for you to equip.